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In this definitive guide, we'll tell you everything you want (or don't want) to know about the best career courses after Lesson 10. This will provide you with routes you can take and important links to subjects / courses you can go to. Chapter
Vocational courses can help you obtain job opportunities in organized and unorganized sectors. The number of people employed in the unorganized sector in India is still about 20 times that of the organized sector.
These are mainly 7 paths that you can follow after level 10. Related useful links are shared in the last section.
- I. Polytechnic Diploma (Engineering or non-engineering trade-based courses)
- II. ITI training certificate courses
- III. Apprenticeship training for designated trades (anywhere between 6 months to 4 years)
- IV. NSQF Levels 1-4 courses (higher levels need at least 10+2 qualification)
- V. Lateral Entry to B.Tech/BE engineering programs after passing polytechnic engineering diploma
- VI. Class 11-12 in CBSE vocational stream
- VII. 5 year B.Voc degree courses
- i. after 3 years if you leave, you will get a diploma (NSQF 5)
- ii. after 4 years if you leave, you will get advanced diploma (NSQF 6)
- iii. after 5 years, i.e if you complete the whole program, you will get the degree (NSQF 7)
Top polytechnic diploma courses (Engineering & Non-engineering)
- I. Computer Engineering
- II. Cyber Forensics & Information Security
- III. Digital Electronics
- IV. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
- V. Electrical & Electronics
- VI. Electronics
- VII. Biomedical Electronics
- VIII. Information Technology
- IX. Mechanical Engineering
- X. Medical Electronics
Top ITI Certificate Courses (technical)
- I. Computer Hardware & Network Maintenance
- II. Draughtsman (Civil)
- III. Electrician
- IV. Electronic Mechanic
- V. Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air-Conditioner)
- VI. Mechanic (Auto Electricals & Electronics)
- VII. Mechanic (Mechatronics)
- VIII. Mechanic (Medical Electronics)
- IX. Surveyor
- X. Radiology Technician
Top ITI Certificate Courses (non-technical)
- I. Baker & Confectioner
- II. Computer Operator & Programming Assistant
- III. Food & Beverage Services
- IV. Food Production
- V. Hair & Skin Care
- VI. Housekeeper
- VII. Multimedia, Animation, Special Effects
- VIII. Travel Tour Assistant
- IX. Plumber
- X. Welder